Buckinghamia celsissima
Buckinghamia celsissima, commonly known as the ivory curl, is endemic to the wet tropicical rainforests areas of northeastern Queensland. It reaches 30 m tall in its natural rainforest habitat, but is much smaller, reaching 10 m tall, in Australian east coast gardens. Glossy dark green above and whitish below, the leaves are quite variable. Juvenile leaves have one or more lobes while adult leaves are simple and entire, measuring 8 to 16 cm long by 3–7 cm wide. The white flower spikes appear over summer and autumn. Terminal and showy, these are drooping racemes up to 20 cm in length. Flowers are followed by the development of woody follicles, 1.5–3 cm long. In the wild they are found more frequently in drier rainforest from altitudes of 200 to 1,000 m above sea level.
165.00 Location C4 Latitude: -38.4016940000000 Longitude: 146.051355000000