Grevillea 'Bronze Rambler'
Grevillea 'Bronze Rambler' is grown as a standard in Mossvale Park.
Grevillea 'Bronze Rambler' originated in cultivation in the garden of W and L Wilson, Moe South, Victoria. It is said to be a cross between G. rivularis and Grevillea 'Poorinda Peter'. The name refers to the attractive bronzy new growth and its near prostrate spreading habit.
Grevillea 'Bronze Rambler': 0.3m tall x up to 4m wide. Leaves: 14cm long x 9cm wide; pinnatisect; occasional secondary lobes; moderately dense appressed silvery hairs on upper surface gradually diminishing with age; rachis straight; midveins and laterals prominent under; veins paler on upper surface; lobes pungent. Flowers: perianth moderately silky hairy; racemes 6cm long; terminal; perianth ca. 14mm long; styles glabrous ca. 25mm long.
180.00 Location C8 Latitude; -38.401951000000 Longitude; 146.054309000000