Quercus castaneifolia
Quercus castaneifolia, common name chestnut-leaved oak, is a species of oak native to the Caucasus and Alborz mountains of Iran. Quercus castaneifolia is a deciduous tree growing < 35 m tall, with a trunk < 2.5 m diameter (exceptionally up to 50 m tall with a trunk < 3.5 m diameter). The leaves are 10–20 cm long and 3–5 cm wide, with 10–15 small, regular triangular lobes on each side. The flowers are wind-pollinated catkins; the fruit is an acorn 2–3 cm long and 1.5–2 cm broad, bicoloured with an orange basal half grading to a green-brown tip; the acorn cup is 2 cm deep, densely covered in soft 4–8 mm long 'mossy' bristles.
128.00 Location D7/E7 Latitude; -38.402786702040 Longitude; 146.053813088758 This tree is an original Moss nursery specimen and is registered with the National Trust file number: T11952. the link to the listing is http://vhd.heritage.vic.gov.au....
Location A6/B6 Latitude; -38.401434070000 Longitude;146.053294950000 This tree is an original Moss nursery specimen.
128.02 Location A6 Latitude; -38.401302210000 Longitude;146.053514780000 This tree is an original Moss nursery specimen.
128.03 Location D8 Latitude;-38.402658813483 Longitude; 146.054311199894 This tree is an original Moss nursery specimen.